Monday, February 22, 2010

Ghost Limb Blogging

Where am I right now that has persuaded me to blog?

"In Theory" seems to be a recurring theme in my life right now. I feel like I am internalizing my life as it happens out loud and it's two completely different people. The girl in my head has a much better grasp of what her reality could be like, but in actuality, she's finding it hard to retrieve any genuine satisfaction. In my defense, the girl in my head is living a fantasy. An emotional fantasy that can exist under the right circumstances, but that isn't exactly the case.

I shouldn't say this is the recurring theme over all the aspects of my life. I am pretty content with the progression that has been made on certain areas. Much potential and definitely heading in the right direction... whatever that means.

I feel like this blog was wanting to be written and yet I can't help but sensor the truth. I feel like I'm just rambling.

I'll figure it out. There's no deadline for that. Not one that I know of, anyway.