Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's time for a resolution, baby

Let's see. If I were starting a new year what would I want to do differently?

* When you have no significant other in your life, don't pretend like you do. Don't drag your baggage towards someone else. You know the deal.

* Like everyone always says, go to the damn gym. Be active. Stop being lazy. Go get a six pack.. or something like it.

* No more blowing up for no apparent reason on your parents. Unless they're being immature. Be nice to your parents on the phone. You know you love them so stop being such a bitch.

* Keep up your correspondence. Keep good people around you.

* Continue loving yourself and everything about you.

* Ask for help more. Higher beings and people do care about you. That's what they're there for.

* Love everyone. Keep positive energy alive in your life and keep spewing it out every chance you get. No matter what.

That's a pretty banging list if I've ever seen one. That'll do just fine.

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